Vienna and JvM make up for lost time with Blue Danube space launch
In 1977 NASA launched a load of earthly cultural goodies into space to benefit the extra-terrestrials including two Voyager Golden Records, omitting Johann Strauss II’s ‘Blue Danube,’ despite its appearance in ‘2001 – a Space Odyssey.’ Vienna and agency Jung von Matt Donau are celebrating Strauss’s 200th birthday by remedying this, sending the aforementioned tune, … The post Vienna and JvM make up for lost time with Blue Danube space launch first appeared on More About Advertising.

In 1977 NASA launched a load of earthly cultural goodies into space to benefit the extra-terrestrials including two Voyager Golden Records, omitting Johann Strauss II’s ‘Blue Danube,’ despite its appearance in ‘2001 – a Space Odyssey.’ Vienna and agency Jung von Matt Donau are celebrating Strauss’s 200th birthday by remedying this, sending the aforementioned tune, …
The post Vienna and JvM make up for lost time with Blue Danube space launch first appeared on More About Advertising.