Slovakia’s Publishers Surprised by a VAT REduction
The Slovakian regime has ansgered Slovakia’s hard-working publishing industry lowering, and then re-raising the VAT on books. By Jarosław Adamowksi | @JaroslawAdamows Government Makes a U-Turn mid a backlash from the Slovak publishing sector and other stakeholders, the country’s government has decided to scrap its earlier plans to increase its value-added tax (VAT) on books to 23 percent. In a move ... The post Slovakia’s Publishers Surprised by a VAT REduction appeared first on Publishing Perspectives.

The Slovakian regime has ansgered Slovakia’s hard-working publishing industry lowering, and then re-raising the VAT on books. By Jarosław Adamowksi | @JaroslawAdamows Government Makes a U-Turn mid a backlash from the Slovak publishing sector and other stakeholders, the country’s government has decided to scrap its earlier plans to increase its value-added tax (VAT) on books to 23 percent. In a move ...
The post Slovakia’s Publishers Surprised by a VAT REduction appeared first on Publishing Perspectives.