Uncommon glories in the ugliness of Quaker porridge oats
After hijacking London Fashion Week with its own brand of “oat couture,” represented by the world’s ugliest dress, Uncommon Creative Studio is back with a fly posting campaign to celebrate the ugly beige mess that is porridge for breakfast. The copywriters have had a lot of fun thinking of every possible insult to draw attention … The post Uncommon glories in the ugliness of Quaker porridge oats first appeared on More About Advertising.

After hijacking London Fashion Week with its own brand of “oat couture,” represented by the world’s ugliest dress, Uncommon Creative Studio is back with a fly posting campaign to celebrate the ugly beige mess that is porridge for breakfast. The copywriters have had a lot of fun thinking of every possible insult to draw attention …
The post Uncommon glories in the ugliness of Quaker porridge oats first appeared on More About Advertising.