Set to the familiar, bouncy tune of “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush,” this perky tale of an energetic, all-animal crew who erect a school from the ground up can be sung by or to an appreciative group of youngsters. Children will be captivated by the sights and sounds of the skilled team carrying out their specialized tasks. They’ll practically hear the heavy clangs of the machinery and equipment; truck mavens will have a field day watching the crew’s vehicles digging and hauling dirt. Most readers may not know exactly what their own school’s construction entailed: laying the foundation and roof, painting the walls, placing power lines and pipes, and even landscaping the playground and garden spaces. They certainly will after poring over this spirited book that captures the essence of teamwork at its finest. Fellores describes the many specific steps with strong, active, rhyming verbs typeset in large capitals: “DIG and SCRAPE, / EXCAVATE!” “CLING and CLANG / THWACK and BANG!” Finally, the grateful students offer the builders a well-deserved thanks for their terrific efforts. Caldwell’s wonderful, dynamic illustrations burst with energy and color.

Set to the familiar, bouncy tune of “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush,” this perky tale of an energetic, all-animal crew who erect a school from the ground up can be sung by or to an appreciative group of youngsters. Children will be captivated by the sights and sounds of the skilled team carrying out their specialized tasks. They’ll practically hear the heavy clangs of the machinery and equipment; truck mavens will have a field day watching the crew’s vehicles digging and hauling dirt. Most readers may not know exactly what their own school’s construction entailed: laying the foundation and roof, painting the walls, placing power lines and pipes, and even landscaping the playground and garden spaces. They certainly will after poring over this spirited book that captures the essence of teamwork at its finest. Fellores describes the many specific steps with strong, active, rhyming verbs typeset in large capitals: “DIG and SCRAPE, / EXCAVATE!” “CLING and CLANG / THWACK and BANG!” Finally, the grateful students offer the builders a well-deserved thanks for their terrific efforts. Caldwell’s wonderful, dynamic illustrations burst with energy and color.