Simplifying the visible URL element on mobile search results
Mobile searchers will soon see a cleaner, more streamlined look for how URLs appear in search results. Initially introduced as part of the "site hierarchy" feature, we've found that the breadcrumb element isn't as useful to people who are searching on mobile devices, as it gets cut off on smaller screens. Starting today, we'll no longer show breadcrumbs on mobile search results in all languages and regions where Google Search is available (they continue to appear on desktop search results).

Mobile searchers will soon see a cleaner, more streamlined look for how URLs appear in search results. Initially introduced as part of the "site hierarchy" feature, we've found that the breadcrumb element isn't as useful to people who are searching on mobile devices, as it gets cut off on smaller screens. Starting today, we'll no longer show breadcrumbs on mobile search results in all languages and regions where Google Search is available (they continue to appear on desktop search results).