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Children's: Picture Book Fiction | Author of Call Me Calvin Mary Vander Plas's T...
Non-fiction: Culture/Pop Culture | Romance Writers of AmericaaEURtms Best Histor...
Graphic Novel | Steve Sheinkin and Toby Cypress's DIVIDED
Fiction: Thriller | Two-time Edgar Award-winning author of the forthcoming, AFTE...
International rights: Fiction | Stephanie Combs and Valerie Rivers's THE STARS W...
Fiction: Debut | Isabela Livino's SHADOWS FALSELY SEEN
International rights: Fiction | Raven Kennedy's GOLDFINCH
Graphic Novel | Joseph P. Illidge, Shawn Martinbrough, and Riccardo Colosimo's T...
International rights: Fiction | E.F. Watson's WITCHFISHED and VAMPBOOZLED
Audio rights | Shann Mcpherson's FAMOUS LAST WORDS, ONE NIGHT ONLY, BEST KEPT SE...
International rights: UK Fiction | Author of Welcome to Forever and A Fractured ...
Non-fiction: History | Author of NYT bestselling MANHUNT: THE TEN-YEAR SEARCH FO...
Digital: Fiction: Romance | USA Today bestselling author and Rita finalist Susan...
Non-fiction: Body, Mind & Spirit | Two-time Mr. Universe, celebrity fitness trai...
International rights: Fiction | Winter Renshaw's YOU OR SOMEONE LIKE YOU
Non-fiction: Science/Technology | Ethologist Michael Haslam and archaeologist Ab...