IPA and ISBA fall out over “inventory media”
For aficionados of such things, a highly promising row is brewing between UK agencies and advertisers over so-called “inventory media” – media agencies buying media on their own account and flogging it on to clients (media broking in other words.) MediaSense All the big ad holding companies are upping their efforts here, in part because … The post IPA and ISBA fall out over “inventory media” first appeared on More About Advertising.

For aficionados of such things, a highly promising row is brewing between UK agencies and advertisers over so-called “inventory media” – media agencies buying media on their own account and flogging it on to clients (media broking in other words.) MediaSense All the big ad holding companies are upping their efforts here, in part because …
The post IPA and ISBA fall out over “inventory media” first appeared on More About Advertising.