Chelsea’s twin, Angelica, still follows her around nearly constantly despite having met an untimely death several years ago. Though 12-year-old Chelsea loves her sister, the situation leaves her feeling isolated. To make matters worse, the twins’ former friend Riley has relentlessly bullied Chelsea ever since Chelsea told Riley about Angelica’s paranormal presence. Unbeknownst to Chelsea, when Chelsea pays attention to other people, Angelica is relegated to a scary, mold-ridden underworld; until now, Chelsea hasn’t had any friends to distract her. But when Chelsea befriends her classmate Janette, Angelica’s rage boils over, and for the first time since her death, she begins siphoning off Chelsea’s energy to gain the power to exert her own will on the world. In this existentially chilling and quickly paced tale, psychological fears are equally matched with physical danger as the guilt of moving on after the death of a loved one manifests in multiple ways for Chelsea. Alexander continues to hone a talent for particularly relatable characters with authentic emotions, drawing readers firmly into twisted, nightmarish circumstances. Physical descriptions are minimal.

Chelsea’s twin, Angelica, still follows her around nearly constantly despite having met an untimely death several years ago. Though 12-year-old Chelsea loves her sister, the situation leaves her feeling isolated. To make matters worse, the twins’ former friend Riley has relentlessly bullied Chelsea ever since Chelsea told Riley about Angelica’s paranormal presence. Unbeknownst to Chelsea, when Chelsea pays attention to other people, Angelica is relegated to a scary, mold-ridden underworld; until now, Chelsea hasn’t had any friends to distract her. But when Chelsea befriends her classmate Janette, Angelica’s rage boils over, and for the first time since her death, she begins siphoning off Chelsea’s energy to gain the power to exert her own will on the world. In this existentially chilling and quickly paced tale, psychological fears are equally matched with physical danger as the guilt of moving on after the death of a loved one manifests in multiple ways for Chelsea. Alexander continues to hone a talent for particularly relatable characters with authentic emotions, drawing readers firmly into twisted, nightmarish circumstances. Physical descriptions are minimal.